Check what we also do throughout the year:
Toy Collection Campaign
With the collaboration of private companies and donations from individuals.
Per Nadal cap nen sens regal
“No child without a present for Christmas” project is intended for children and teenagers whose families are not able to afford presents that may help to their development.
Young sports activities
Focused on promoting the inclusion in the community of foreign teenagers and young people, avoiding the creation of marginal groups, creating a space of fun through sport.
Joves en Acció
“Youth In Action” project aimed at avoiding social fractures between young people of immigrant and native origin through volunteering and cultural and social action tasks.
Street sensizitation
Throughout the year we participate in festivals and funfairs in Sants and other Barcelona neighbourhoods, like the Festa Major, the Pau Sense treva, the Firentitats… where we sensitize the citizens about poverty in our immediate surroundings and the discrimination against migrants and refugees.
Portem refugi
“Bring Shelter Project” started in September 2016 with the aim of collecting donations for the rehabilitation of very precarious homes, furniture, appliances and coverage of basic food and clothing needs for 10 Syrian refugee families who live in various cities of the Turkish Kurdistan.